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The Elbow: A multidisciplinary approach to assessment and management




2 hours

About the Course

Join us for some Education, dinner and networking.

Simply MSK look forward to welcoming you to our event.

Elbow injury is a common problem many clinicians deal with. The evenings talk will provide an overview and update on all aspects of shoulder injury. We will explore assessment, investigation and management from a multidisciplinary specialist sports medicine team.


This event is open to doctors, physiotherapists, sports therapists, sports scientists, nurses, ACP’s, podiatrists, chiropractors, students and all other interested allied health professionals.

Your Instructor

SimplyMSK Team

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The panel for the evenings talk will consist of the SimplyMSK team, Carl Clifford (Highly Specialist MSK Physiotherapist with lower limb interest, Dr Alastair Jones (SEM MSK Physician), Damian Buck (Advanced Practice Physiotherapist) and Dr Michael Cooke (SEM MSK Physician). We will also have a special guest speaker in Matt Walmsley (Advanced Practice Physiotherapist). Further information on each of the speakers can be found on our "About" page.

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